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Silke Hohmann in the latest Art Kaleidoscope:

Stefan Beck, in contrast, is intentionally "off, in fact even "off off".
With his art critical internet forum The Thing has been closely involved with the Frankfurt scene for ten years, dispensing drastic comments on current topics like Manifesta 4, the Museum fur Moderne Kunst or Frankfurt nightlife, placing forms of art presentation under discussion and providing selective events tips.

In his tiny place of confrontation "Multitrudi" at the Osthafen, he created for several years an interdisciplinary station where in restricted space all that took place which others aspired to with far-reaching concepts: exhibited oddities, strange catering, hands-on ideas that drew forth a widest echo and each time their immediate documentation. Not only does Beck - presently hunting out new fundamentals - question the formal realities of off operations, which are often only defined by the spatial differences, he is also of the opinion that art itself shown at such places must be different.

Note: Art Kaleidoscope is a PR magazine for the (mostly official) Frankfurt Art Scene. Sponsored by the City of Frankfurt. Stefan Beck is at

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